Online charging for roaming data via RADIUS

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MVNOs with a “RADIUS only” infrastructure provided by their MNO can now charge their subscribers for roaming data in real time. MVNOs provide their subscribers with roaming Internet service when they visit other regions or countries. The country and network are identified by the mobile country code (MCC) and the mobile network code (MNC). With online charging for roaming data, MVNOs can provide their subscribers with roaming prepaid packages without risk of revenue leakage. And postpaid subscribers can avoid bill shock with a clear picture and better control of their roaming expenses.

You can find the information on how to configure PortaBilling for roaming Internet service based on the country and network in the Online charging for the LTE service in roaming chapter in the PortaBilling Administrator guide.

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  • Online charging for data in roaming decreases the risk of revenue leakage for MVNOs.
  • MVNOs with a “RADIUS only” infrastructure provided by the MNO can now provide roaming prepaid packages.
  • Online charging for data in roaming prevents bill shock for subscribers. Subscribers receive online notifications about data consumption and low quota alerts.

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