On this panel, you can specify the translation rule for converting the caller’s phone number that can be transmitted in the “local” format, e.g., without the country code, into a unified format, so it will match the ID of the corresponding user’s account.
For example, users who call the voice application from external numbers can be authenticated by the account ID consisting of a non-numeric prefix (“ani”) and the matching caller’s number. Assuming that the country code is 44, you can set s/^0/ani44/ as the ANI translation rule, so that a caller’s number “021234567” will be translated into “ani4421234567” and used for authentication.
ANI translation rule
Specify a Perl regular expression that translates the caller’s phone number into a unified format, so it will match the ID on the billing account.
Check translation rule
This leads you to the panel where you can check how phone numbers are translated by using the translation rule you specified.